Animated Spinning Coloful Pentagram Pentagram Cursors My Lyric: 2013

Kamis, 20 Juni 2013

Siksa Kubur - Renounce Me

I cant imagine what did you felt at that time
You just slept with pain
Cant breath well - Cant consummate anything
All you need just injected to your body

Miserable cover up this sense
Cover up this mind - Cover up this Soul

Horrify - Deplorable - Desperate
Rise up himself
Desire - Be able - Concetrated
Hope for a miracle
Fervented your self
Breath ... Please breath

And you body cant make a move
Prostated with clap eyes off
Your breath more and More frailed
And your gone ! ! !

Now he's breath off
Gone forever
Flying higher
Lead to order realm

( * )Now he's breath off
Gone forever
Flying higher
Never return
Can be together
Now you renounce me

Im standed with dopey
Contend with this ordeal
My mind fly away
Seek all remembrance
With you ...

Lives becoming demise
Demise becoming live
I pray for you
Glisten by tears, eye cry ...

( Back To * )

Divide - Titik Dalam Koma

Tak tersisakan

Semua akal telah sirna, nurani tak terlihat lagi
Yang kulihat hanyalah luka,tersirat di nadi sang negri

Sumpah telah kau ucapkan, pada sang penguasa
Sumpah telah kau ucapkan, kau khianati semua
Sumpah telah kau ucapkan, kau khianati semua

Tak tersisakan harapan
Semua telah sirna,menjauh dan menghilang
Dalam bayang
Dalam bayang

Wahai penerus,bukalah kedua matamu
Detik, menit, hancur luluh tak berbentuk

Wahai penerus,bukalah kedua matamu
Detik, menit, hancur luluh tak berbentuk

Demi dirimu, kami berkorban
Lihatlah dirimu,engkau arogan

Ribuan pahlawan mendedikasikan seluruh hidupnya untuk merdekakan negeri ini
Perjuangan mereka tidaklah sia-sia,namun kita tidak pernah merdeka
Dimana kita para penerus bangsa?
Bersatulah wahai pemuda,meneruskan
perjuangan mereka
Perjuangan belum berakhir

Bukalah matamu,sadarkan jiwamu
Buka matamu,sadarlah
Buka matamu,sadarlah

Bersatulah wahai
Bersatulah wahai

Rabu, 03 April 2013

Jihad - Segitiga Bermuda

Dalam Dasar Samudra
Busah Iblis Mengalir
Dalam Dasar Samudra
Puing Halaman Setan
Dalam Dasar Samudra
Sumpah Kafir Melaknat
Dalam Dasar Samudra
Segitiga Bermuda
Segi... Iblis... Tiga... Setan
Segi... Iblis... Tiga... Setan
Kerajaan Maha Iblis
Dalam Dasar Samudra
Bunyi Setan Terkutuk
Dalam Dasar Samudra

Takdir Bukanlah Saji
Dalam Dasar Samudra
Segitiga Kuasa
Dalam Dasar Samudra
Segitiga Bermuda
Segitiga Kuasa
Segitiga Bermuda
Setan Yang Berkuasa 2X
Mimbar Tuk Makhluk Pintar
Lahir Rencana Busuk
Atas Tiga Kuasa
Atas Tiga Rencana
Segi... Iblis... Tiga... Setan
Segi... Iblis... Tiga... Setan

Tuhan Diam Terpaku
Dia Diam Membeku
Malaikat Terpenggal
Terlibat Kota Dajjal
Bumi Langit Tersesat
Ahli Surga Sekarat
Kelak Neraka Bangkit
Kekuasaan Malik
Segitiga Bermuda
Segitiga Kuasa
Segitiga Bermuda
Setan Yang Berkuasa 2X
Mimbar Tuk Makhluk Pintar
Lahir Rencana Busuk
Atas Tiga Kuasa
Atas Tiga Rencana
Setan Yang Berkuasa
Kekuasaan Setan
Segitiga Samudra
Segitiga Bermuda

Jihad - Tuhan Telah Mati !!

Hilang sudah logika
Terbakar oleh dusta
Mereka hina dan nista
Terjerat oleh dunia

Mati Logika, putuslah asa, sembah dunia
Kotor media, racuni jiwa, halalkan dosa

Tuhan telah mati (4x)

Mati Logika, putuslah asa, sembah dunia
Persetan semua ajarannya
Jadikan nyata hancurkan dosa
Hiduplah dengan rakusnya dunia
Habiskan semua sampah logika

Tuhan telah mati (4x)

Hilang sudah logika
Terbakar oleh dusta
Mereka hina dan nista
Terjerat oleh dunia

DeadSquad - Pasukan Mati

mata hati telah binasa terkikis dengki dalam jiwa
terbuai fatamorgana surgana... rasuki hamba pecandu pahala
pasukan mati rasa
moralitas tanda tanya
kebodohan yang bertahta
gelap mata... definisikan dosa... arogansi berbalut doa menyerapah
wajah malaikat biru lebam terkapar mengemis sekeping surga
yang melayang terjarah serdadu tuhan sang bayi kecil yang malang
penuh ambisi ciptakan neraka dunia

terimalah (persembahan) darah dan duka
untukmu yang maha lemah
tersudut dan teraniaya
oleh kepercayaan yang buta
keimanan yang cacat
nilai kesucian yang laknat

penuh ambisi ciptakan neraka dunia
pasukan mati rasa
moralitas tanda tanya
kebodohan yang bertahta

Forgotten - Tiga Angka Enam

Lubang kosmik menghitam, Awan pekat jelaga,
Tatapan jadi hampa
Dunia akan binasa , Terseret arus hina, Sekarat menggelepar
Sekarat meregang nyawa
Doa-doa mengumpat, wahyu suci memaki, tuhan diam sekarat
Valhalla yang terbuka, lucifer yang tertawa
Tiga angka enam, tergores dalam jiwa
Selamat datang, neraka baru
hancurkan hidupmu
Tiga angka enam, tergores dalam jiwa
Tiga angka enam,hancurkan hidup kita
para nabi mengantri, doktrin perut terisi
para iblis menyanyi, tinggalkan surga dan pergi
Enam, enam, enam, setan
Enam, enam, enam, setan
tangisan malaikat, patah sayap terjatuh
ditanganku kudengar, lirih perih merintih
Enam, enam, enam, setan
Enam, enam, enam, setan
Selamat datang, neraka baru
hancurkan, hidupmu
Doa-doa mengumpat, wahyu suci memaki, tuhan diam sekarat
Valhalla yang terbuka, lucifer yang tertawa
Tiga angka enam, tergores dalam jiwa
Enam, enam, enam, setan
Enam, enam, enam

BloodyDie - Stigma Aksioma

kami muak dengan kalian
para sentimen yang tak pernah ingin dewasa
kami adalah kerangka radikal
molekul dari tanah tak bertuan
ras nusantara
dan kami tak menginginkan jalur pembodohan kalian
atas nama persatuan tabu, penghancuran setiap kubu
prototipe arogan, kalibrasi zaman,
hentakan konklusif dari sistem paradoks tak berdasar
kami terlahir dari pembusukan sejarah
puing puing rerutuhan berdarah
dan kalian muncul dengan konstruksi budaya seberang
akulturasi yang gagal
bebaskan kami dari belenggu jeruji berkarat ini
berontak kami dari diri sendiri
berhenti dari pembodohan tiada henti
ekspetasi berakar materi
kalian semua munafik
persetan dengan perubahan
kontradiksi pemerintahan
kalian semua munafik
persetan penilaian kalian yang sakit
bangun kalian semua
apa yang kalian takutkan dari sang raja
tirani dari singasana buta
eksistensi diatas bangkai kaumnya
apa yang kalian takutkan
hukum para bedebah jalang
kalian bukan bidak di garis depan yang hancur bersama senapan
bangun kalian semua

BloodyDie - Membunuh Refleksi

Terlilit metafora, hangus berserak batas dimensi dua dunia
Muak serta-merta
Gandakan aku, mamaksa merapuh

Runtuhkan ideologimu
Hapuskan Tuhan-Berhala
Debu kotor pencerca
Bawa mati segala puja-puji dogma

Untuk mereka yang mencari sang Esa
Terpasung membusuk, hilang beradu kabut
Bayang menjauh, tubuh terkutuk
Mereka yang bersua seribu mulut dusta

Injeksikan sang hitam dibalik layar
Menarik membungkam hasrat
Para pencerita tertelan kidung penjerat

Lawan bait nestapa
Bias neraka dunia

Telan semua goresan tinta
Atas pencekalan nurani
Oleh tesis pengkekang
Warisan budaya seberang

Barisan sayap-sayap patah bebas berpijak
Agresi puluhan kubu demi tatanan era baru
Perduli anjing bunuh-terbunuh
Tuhankan dirimu

Semua tak lagi bermakna
Tak ada ruang
Tak lagi ada cerita

Refleksi neraka
Diatas tanah pencipta


BloodyDie - Requiem

All the hatred will surroundng us to the edge pf time
We lost control again
Shall we regret?
Shall we ruined the world one more time?
Repent! Repent!

We have forget his pain
We have betray ourselves
Young and Relentless

We've lost in time
We've found no way to back again
Lights has taken everything
Wash the black away

We've waste too much in time
We've been too far from first we start
Now we have to pay for what we've done
And for the last, we pray against ourselves

BloodyDie - Gagak

bias bentuk semesta potret karya tak sempurna
aku lawan dari kalian
makhluk bernilai relevan

dan gesekan dari dua paradigma bertolak vertikal
menusuk tajam!

kalian mengasumsikan
aku tersudut terdiam pada sempit ruang hitam
sesak nafas tak tertahankan
dunia mengekstraksi kaumku pada titik lebur anomali
memonitori mengkoyak detik demi detik

kelu batinku akan tatap mata kalian
menderu nafasku muak akan bisik presepsi kalian

seakan kalian Tuhan... Laknat!
remehkan aku

lepas batas toleransi, aku menuntut sama
merah mengalir dalam nadi
gejolak baku hantam nurani
aku tak memilih tumbuh menjadi apa yang kalian pandang sebelah mata
aku dan kalian sama

akulah noktah hitam dunia
akulah noktah hitam semesta

lihat aku penuh nafsu memburu
aku menolak tunduk pada belenggu yang kalian bangun
aku tak butuh rasa iba kalian
biarkan aku berdiri tegak sepadan

muak ku diam, tumpahkan dendan
membusuk melawan waktu
pantaskah aku? pantaskah aku?
tak ada sesal, hanya tersisa mendera jiwa
tuhan, siapa aku?

Jumat, 29 Maret 2013

Immanifest - Revelations In Darkness

Behold! Expanding Voids
Spirits risen to exaltedness
Amidst the chaos a Universe is Born
Archonic currents form a Demiurge
When Such creations forms
Broken vessels within the anti-worlds...
Behold the secrets that lie within
Revelations remain beckoning...

An enlightened few took solace in a flickering black flame
and lit the Highest of Creation to Eternal Rivalry

Creator -Crowned and Limitless
Exiled within itself
Lies in wait to merge with all
Forces sworn against
Faught endlessly

Sickened by visions of night skies
filled with distant worlds beyond
We exist to overthrow
Archonic Rule and Higher thrones

Sickened by the sight of stars
Illuminate all that is known
For true sight comes amid twilight
as the world seems to transform

All seven keys
Black Shades of Night
Return to Daath by the reapers scythe
Severing souls from clayborn shells
beyond the dreams of finite light
Into Realms of Eternal Night

Deathstars - Death Dies Hard

Behold! Expanding Voids
Spirits risen to exaltedness
Amidst the chaos a Universe is Born
Archonic currents form a Demiurge
When Such creations forms
Broken vessels within the anti-worlds...
Behold the secrets that lie within
Revelations remain beckoning...

An enlightened few took solace in a flickering black flame
and lit the Highest of Creation to Eternal Rivalry

Creator -Crowned and Limitless
Exiled within itself
Lies in wait to merge with all
Forces sworn against
Faught endlessly

Sickened by visions of night skies
filled with distant worlds beyond
We exist to overthrow
Archonic Rule and Higher thrones

Sickened by the sight of stars
Illuminate all that is known
For true sight comes amid twilight
as the world seems to transform

All seven keys
Black Shades of Night
Return to Daath by the reapers scythe
Severing souls from clayborn shells
beyond the dreams of finite light
Into Realms of Eternal NightWatch the vultures as they open their eyes

Can you please, please give them something

Play the heavens with the Devil's dice

Can you serve them, feed 'em with your king

You've never seen anything like this before

You will never see a clockwork sunrise no more

I bring no shelter 'cause I...

I will deny you

This world belongs to me

You try to fake it

But all wounds are there to see

Death Dies Hard

Watch as the Devil gets sold to me

Death Dies Hard

Enter hell and use the bone of God as key

The lotus withers as the insects thrive

Can you please please give them something

The pulse of darkness brings God alive

Can your black crimes be carried on white wings

You've never felt anything like this before

A sulphur storm brings the victims upon the shore

I bring no shelter 'cause I...

I will deny you

This world belongs to me

You try to fake it

But all wounds are there to see

Death Dies Hard

Watch as the Devil gets sold to me

Death Dies Hard

Enter hell and use the bone of God as key

Cannibal Corpse - Make Them Suffer

Extreme pain is what they need to feel for the rest of their lives

Misery and Despair leaves thier souls when infinity ends

Let them taste the wrath as the agony consumes them

Swallowed by the darkest light a blackened state of dismay

Survival is the only thing left for them

This grievous revelation is a new beginning

Led to the solution against their will

Deprivation thrives as the therapy continues

Sullen mastery is an answer uncontested

denial is the only thing left for them

life as they knew it is a distant memory

Scores of victims lust for apathy

make them suffer

While they plead for cessation

entirely demoralized and close to mass extintion

damned to please supremacy

the reason for their martyrdom they will never know

make them suffer

while they bleed through damnation

Begged for retribution before meeting with demise

cursed by animosity

once chosen for this mad ordeal there is no escape

domination reigns supreme the evil has no end

spent of all their energy now worthless and degraded

slow death is the only thing left for them

physically and mentally devoid of dignity

languished immortality

make them suffer

While they plead for cessation

entirely demoralized and close to mass extintion

damned to please supremacy

the reason for their martyrdom they will never know

make them suffer

while they bleed through damnation

Begged for retribution before meeting with demise

cursed by animosity

once chosen for this mad ordeal there is no escape

make them suffer


Abnormality - Monarch Omega

Innocence. Intervals I cannot recall
Eliminated and replaced. With psychotic animals
Obedience. Disassociation overhaul
Synapses interface with cerebrally integrated protocols
Slipping in and out of sentience
Excruciating senses
Bio-cybernetic enhancements
Installed on adolescents
Monarch Omega
Isolate. Traumatized until fractional
Split into a clean slate. Readily extractable
Indoctrinate. Fabricate the unnatural
Victimize & segregate. Agitate the irrational
Triggered metamorphosis
Emotionless psychosis
Circumventing my own existence
Manifesting someone completely different
The wicked soul emerges
Corrupted flesh personified
A blank stare
Mechanical. Fragment of a shattered mind
Eradicate. My purpose unmistakable
Silently infiltrate. Erase the erasable
Assassinate. A face I find unnameable
Though he tries to run his fate is inescapable
Victory not yet certified
I celebrate my own suicide

Sarea - Another Me

Distant is the world you knew
Faded and worn, vacant and torn
Memories go back to days so gray
Welcome to my new reality

Feel me
Won't you breathe me
Please me, come sweet death

Fragments from a lost eternity
Yesteryear built, yesterday burnt
What's seeming endless is nothing but a lifetime
Join my final journey

Feel me
Won't you breathe me
Please me, come sweet death
And as I open my eyes
I kneel for the new born horizon
Taste me, another me

Why can't you heal me
Won't you speak to me
Join me, oh sweet death
And as I open my eyes
I kneel for the new born horizon
Embrace me, another me

Nile - The Eye Of Ra

In my foolishness I had taken form of a mortal man
And entered time to live amongst humanity born of my tears
But now they have turned against me and my descendants
They overthrow the temples and curse my name

Now I return to the city of the sun
There enthroned gouge out my eye
Terrible is m pain horrifying are my cries dreadful is my towering rage
All my fierce passions cause my torn eye
To take shape as a fearsome lioness
With teeth and claws that ache to rend flesh
Heedless of the blood that courses down my cheek
Sekhmet the might I name thee and Nesert who is a burning flame

Then the terrible roar of Sekhmet sounds forth
Flee from me humanity though it availeth thee not
Hide in the deserts and the mountains
Let fear grow in your hearts
For I am vengeance and bloody death

With terrible wrath
Shall I now go forth out into the two lands
To slay the gathered armies of man
Not one shall stand alive where I have been
As I rend the very flesh from their bones
I will wade in human blood and drink my fill
For the joy of killing gladdens my heart

Selasa, 26 Maret 2013

Beside - Dosa Adalah Sahabat

Lari berlarilah
Tutup mata bungkam mulutmu
Khianati pungkiri hatimu
Tataplah... Dosa mengikuti setiap nafasmu.
Jangan kau pungkiri , takan kau dustai

Reff : Tatap jiwamu tatap hatimu dan akui
Bahwa dosa seperti sahabat
Apa dosa adalah sahabat ?

Setiap langkah dan nafasmu...
Harumnya dosa mendekap hasrat
Setiap langkah dan nafasmu...
Mencoba membunuh pahalamu

Coba berlari...
Aura hitam memekat
Khianati pungkiri
Kegelapan semakin gelap
Lari berlariLah ...
Umpat kau mengumpat
Dosa kau dustai
Ratapi dirimu !!!

Thirteen - Aku Adalah Aku


aku terlahir dari sisi gelapmu
aku tercipta dari untaian masa lalu
aku merasakan apa yang tak kau rasakan
dan kau merasakan yang tak ingin ku rasakan





tiap tetes keringat yang tercurah
semakin membuatku kuat dan dewasa

maafkan aku bila terkesan sobing
tapi aku bahagia hidup tanpa pembohong
maafkan aku bila merendahkan mereka



thirteen - S.A.D.A (sombong,angkuh, dan arogan)

apa arti dari apresiasi?
begitu pentingkah untuk dimengerti ?
jangan lihat ini sebagai konfontasi
gunakanlah sebagai inspirasi


sombong, angkuh dan arogan
wahai kawan lama


[sombong, angkuh dan arogan]

melaju hingga kebatas maximum
tersimpan baik didalam kepala


sombong, angkuh dan arogan
sebut semua yang kalian suka
wahai kawan lama

sombong, angkuh dan arogan

[sombong, angkuh dan arogan]13x

Thirteen - Labil

dengarlah kawan, ini saatnya tuk kita semua
terus melangkah, dan menggapai mimpi
acuhkan semua, mereka yang selalu mencaci maki
hadapi semua, dan terus berlari


janganlah kawan kau buang waktumu
hadapi semua
persetan dengan mereka


dengarkanlah suara hatimu
jangan pernah bohongi dirimu
berlarilah sejauh apapun itu

resapilah semua yang terjadi
jangan pernah kau lakukan lagi
lepaskanlah semua kebencian ini


dengarkanlah suara hatimu
jangan pernah bohongi dirimu
berlarilah sejauh apapun itu

resapilah semua yang terjadi
jangan pernah kau lakukan lagi
lepaskanlah semua kebencian ini

dengarlah kawan, ini saatnya tuk kita semua
terus melangkah, dan menggapai mimpi
acuhkan semua, mereka yang selalu mencaci maki
hadapi semua, dan terus berlari

Nile - Kafir

There is no god but god
There is no god but god
There is no god but the one true god
There is no god but the hidden god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
Allah akhbar!
In the name of the unmerciful the unbenevolent
In the name of the lord of the worlds
Owner of the day of judgement
Show us the path of those who earn anger
And those who go astray
As for the disbelievers
Whether thou warn them or warn them not
Is all one for them
They believe not
And theirs is an awful doom
O mankind
Worship the god whom thou hast created
Who hast created thee
And those who came before thee
O mankind
Thou sons of simian ancestors
Guard yourself against the fire
Prepared for disbelievers
Whose fuel is of men and stones
There is no god but god
There is no god but god
There is no god but the one true god
There is no god but the hidden god
There is no god
There is no god
There is no god
Allah akhbar!

Beside - Aku Adalah Tuhan

Akulah derita, aku bahagia, akulah gelak tawa
Dan aku airmata, aku binatang

Aku adalah setan untuk diriku sendiri, aku adalah Tuhan
Hati pikiran dan indraku adalah milikku

Atas nama jiwa, atas nama diri,
Aku Tuhan untuk diriku sendiri
Atas nama jiwa, atas nama diri,
Aku Tuhan untuk diriku sendiri

Ku langkahkan kakiku menuju surga
Ku langkahkan kakiku menuju neraka!
Setiap nafas yang ku hirup adalah hak
Setiap hak yang ku miliki kan ku genggam

Atas nama jiwa, atas nama diri,
Aku Tuhan untuk diriku sendiri
Atas nama jiwa, atas nama diri,
Aku Tuhan untuk diriku sendiri

Kalian mencoba mengubah takdirku
Merasuki dan menyayat sakit jiwaku
Mencoba membuka beban pikiranku
Caci makiku untuk kalian

Untuk kalian !!!

Akulah derita, aku bahagia, akulah gelak tawa
Dan aku airmata, aku binatang

Aku adalah setan untuk diriku sendiri, aku adalah Tuhan

Bebaskan lepaskan saja
Caci maki yang menghujamku
lepaskan saja
Caci maki yang terucap
Teriakkan nafasmu !

Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

Killing Me Inside - For One Last Time (Tormented 2)

It’s all done and now it’s over 
I don’t know how to say to you

For one last time i say goodbye
 This time i know we’ll never make it 
You take my heart and make me bleedI’ll let you know when i’m not breathing

Now look at me, you’ll never gonna be there 
Can you see me, you’re never gonna

See me and i know i’m not yours anymore
 I’m smiling when i sing this song and i feel alive 
Can’t you see, can’t you see i don’t need you anymore 
You’re just playing and fooling around with me

I’m smiling when i sing this song 
To know that i am not alone 
You take my heart and make me bleed 
I’ll let you know when i’m not breathing

Now look at me, you’ll never gonna be there 
Can you see me, you’re never gonna be

See me and i know i’m not yours anymore 
I’m smiling when i sing this song and i feel alive 
Can’t you see, can’t you see i don’t need you anymore 
You’re just playing and fooling around with me

I’m gonna say what is right 
I don’t trust yourself, i’m gonna let this go 
I don’t trust yourself, i’m gonna let this go, now!

See me and i know i’m not yours anymore 
I’m smiling when i sing this song and i feel alive
 Can’t you see, can’t you see i don’t need you anymore 
You’re just playing and fooling around with me

For Revenge - Second Chance

And I’m trying, it’s getting faster to change
The waste of a time, find another line

Let me tell you life is too short
Don’t waste your time I never like to wait. I won’t down without a fight
I’m not afraid, this is my way to a brighter day
Replace what’s missing, just believing

And I’m trying, it’s getting faster to change
The waste of a time, find another line

(I will pay for all my fault with no hesitation, hesitation!)

I’ve been waiting for a place
Where wrong to be right
I see my reflection

And I’m trying, it’s getting faster to change
The waste of a time, find another line

I've learned that no matter what happens, or how bad it seems today, life does go on, and it will be better tomorrow. 
I've learned that making a living is not the same thing as making a life. 
I've learned that life sometimes gives you a second chance, yes, a second chance 
-Maya Angelou-

And I’m trying, it’s getting faster to change
The waste of a time, find another line

Selasa, 12 Februari 2013

Suicide Silence - Superbeast

Shriek the lips
Across ragged tongue,
Convulsing together.
Sing violently,
Move the jaw, cry aloud.
Bound up the dead triumphantly.

The ragged they come and
The ragged they kill!
You pray so hard on bloody knees.
The ragged they come and
The ragged they kill!
Down in the cool air I can see.

Hey, yeah - I'm the one that you wanted
Hey, yeah - I'm your Superbeast
Hey, yeah - I'm the one that you wanted
Hey, yeah - I'm your Superbeast

Stir the limbs across the wrist,
Full possession of a memory.
Bury me as a ragged dog,
Icy hands surrounding me.

The ragged they come and
The ragged they kill!
You pray so hard on bloody knees.
The ragged they come and
The ragged they kill!
Down in the cool air I can see.

Hey, yeah - I'm the one that you wanted
Hey, yeah - I'm your Superbeast
Hey, yeah - I'm the one that you wanted
Hey, yeah - I'm your Superbeast

Shriek the lips
Across ragged tongue,
Convulsing together.
Sing violently,
Move the jaw, cry aloud.
Bound up the dead triumphantly.

The ragged they come and
The ragged they kill!
You pray so hard on bloody knees.
The ragged they come and
The ragged they kill!
Down in the cool air I can see.

Hey, yeah - I'm the one that you wanted
Hey, yeah - I'm your Superbeast
Hey, yeah - I'm the one that you wanted
Hey, yeah - I'm your Superbeast

Suicide Silence - Cancerous Skies

Like a human flesh-eating bacteria,
growing bigger and bigger by the fucking day.
Multiplying faster and faster,
like a spore spreading fungus in every way.
Welcome to this bitch named earth.
Mother to us all, our growth the creating.
and just look what we've created for her.
Filth, disease, rape, we've ruined everything!

And now our once pretty sky
is now blackened by machines' breath.
And now it's tearing up my eyes, the darkness took the light.

Look what we've created for out carbon-based community.
run by manmade machinery, this is insanity!
But still manmade machines' hearts beating,
still breathing, and blackening the sky.
The darkness took the light, ehh!

Look what we've created, this is our own manmade misery.
This is insanity, filth, disease, rape, we've ruined everthing!
Filth, disease, rape, we've ruined everything [2x].

And now our once pretty sky
is now blackened by machines' breath.
And now it's tearing up my eyes, the darkness took the light.

We are all her human cancer
and these are the gifts we've brought her.
Filth, disease, rape, we've ruined everything [2x].

Suicide Silence - The Only Thing That Sets Us Apart

It's the blood running through or veins to sustain, that makes us the same.
Not the color of creation, it's much an ignorant shame, we were all the
Pure ignorant through process to blame, segregated by our human hatred.
We are the same [2x].
Racist human beings, molded and remodeled with the hate from the past.
The ignorance of humanity proves our frail existence shall never last.
I know it's sad to say, I know it's hard to see,
we all look like enemies when we're all the same.
I'll cut myself just to make it bleed, open up my veins so that you can see
The blood flowing inside of me, is the same as yours, the same as yours!
Racist human beings, molded and remodeled with the hate from the past.
The ignorance of humanity proves our frail existence will never last.
I'll cut myself just to make it bleed, open my veins so that you can see
The only thing that sets us apart inside is a heartbeat,
hear it BOOM BOOM! [4x]
It's the blood running through our veins to sustain, that makes us the same.
Not the color of creating, it's such and ignorant shame, we were all the
Pure ignorant thought process to blame, segregated by our human hatred.
We are the same [2x].
Racist human beings, molded and remodeled with the hate from the past.
The ignorance of humanity proves our frail existence will never last.
I'll cut myself just to make it bleed, open my veins so that you can see
The blood flowing inside of me, the blood flowing inside of...
The only thing that sets us apart inside is a hearbeat,
hear it BOOM BOOM! [4x]

Suicide Silence Feat Frank Mullen of SUFFOCATION - Smashed

Let's take our fucking lives back.
Life living through an hourglass,
the sand is falling and there's not much left.
It's like living in a photograph, witness the rubble from the past.
And how it's so full of memories,
now don't you wish you could turn that fucker over?
I want my life back, every grain of sand, I'll take it back!

Fuck living through an hourglass window, fuck living trapped in a
photograph, entombed by fragile glass,
let's smash this fucking shit!

It's my life and it's falling fast, no time for memories.
I say fuck the past!

Life living through and hourglass,
the sand is falling and there's not much left,
It's like living in a photograph, witness the rubble from the past.
And how it's so full of memories,
now don't you wish you could turn that fucker over?
I want my life back, every grain of sand, I'll take it back!

I want my life back, smash, smash everything!
And if you want your life back smash, smash it with me.
(smash, smash it with me)
Smash everything!

It's my life, I'll take back [2x].

Life living through an hourglass,
the sand is falling and there's not much left.
It's like living in a photograph, witness the rubble from the past.
And how it's so full of memories,
now don't you wish you could turn that fucker over?
I want my life back, every grain of sand, I'll take it back!

Let's take our lives back [3x].
take your fucking life back!
It's my life, I'll take back [2x].

Let's take our lives back smash, smash and be free!
Let's take our lives back smash, smash everything!

Suicide Silence - Cross-Eyed Catastrophe

This my perception of what's going on.
This is my perception of what's going wrong.
With mind seperation, as you float to the sun,
with a psychedelic sidekick that's sparking in your mind.
I can see it in your eyes, I can see it just fine.
You're a cross-eyed catastrophe, fumbling,
bumbling into the wall you see.
And I'm here to watch you fall; I'm here to get you through this all.

Confronting your demons and throughts you've never had before.
Intricate thinking, and thoughts you've never had before.
This is what happens when you open that door, you're dwelling so
deeply passed out on the floor, eeah!

Cross-eyed catastrophe, seeing things you've never seen before.
You're passed out chasing the dream,
wake up and I'll decipher everything!
Confronting your demons and thoughts you've never had before.

I watched you feel so good, you looked amazed.
I watched your eyes get heavy and start to glaze.

Cross-eyed catastrophe.
Cross-eyed catastrophe, seeing things you've never seen before.
You're passed out, chasing the dream,
wake up, I will help you decipher everything!
So meet your demons, they're here to stay.
Meet your demons, they'll never go away.

So meet your demons, they're here to stay.
Cross-eyed catastrophe, seeing things you've never seen before.
You're passed out chasing the dream,
wake up, I'll help you decipher everything.

Suicide Silence Feat Jonathan Davis Of Korn - Witness Of Addiction

I used to pray everyday, wishing for a better way.
When nothing changed, I lost my faith, praying for a better day [2x]
Burn, Liar [4x].
Let's sew her fucking mouth shut!

All the lies you've said to me (you liar)
and everything you've led me to believe (is false)
Now it's time to re-live everything, everything that you put me through.

Coming home to addiction inside, it was always on my miserable mind.
Witnessing you addiction (through my eyes) it was always on my miserable
Witnessing your addiction!
Your demons dancing right in front of my eyes [2x].
It's time to burn, liar [2x].

Witnessing your addiction! Your demons dancing right in front of my eyes
I used to wish I could fly, spread my wings and fly away.
I'd cross my fingers for a day, wishing for a better way.
So take my hands and take me away (burn, liar).
I'd close my eyes and even pray, wishing for a better day.

Coming home to addiction inside, it was always on my miserable mind.
Witnessing your addiction (through my eyes) inside your mind.
It was always on your fucking mind!
I used to pray every day, wishing, wishing for a better way, but nothing
fucking changed.
When nothing changed, I lost my faith.
Praying, praying for a better day, everyday.

Witnessing your addiction! Your demons dancing right in front of my eyes
My eyes [3x].

All the lies you've said to me (you liar)
and everything you've proven to believe (is false).
You always said you would be okay, well fuck tomorrow, live for today!

Witnessing your addiction! Your demons dancing right in front of my eyes
I used to wish I could fly, spread my wings and fly away.
I'd cross my fingers for a day, wishing for a better way.
So take my hands and take me away (burn, liar).
I'd close my eyes and even pray, wishing for a better day.

Burn, Liar [4x]
I used to pray everyday, wishing for a better way.
When nothing changed, I lost my faith, praying for a better day.

Suicide Silence - Fuck Everything

If you hate the world around you.
and you hate everything that you see.
And if what you see makes you happy,
then fuck off cause we're all out of time.
So follow me.

Life is short, I'll make it what it's worth.
With time well spent, time spent so well.
So don't run away, just face the new day,
without a single fear in mind.
Just take it one day at a time!

And...Fuck everything! Everything!
Fuck everything! Everything!

Welcome to a nightmare,
this is the place we all call home.
Welcome to a nightmare,
this is the place we hate to call home.
We fucking hate! Hate [3x].

If you hate the world and you hate what you see,
then say this with me, fuck everything [6x].
Put your fingers in the fucking air,
and live your life without a care.
If you hate the world and you hate what you see, then say
this with me, fuck everything [2x].
If you hate the world, fuck everything, and it makes you
sick what you see, fuck everything.
Say this with me, fuck everything, fuck everything!

Fuck everything, fuck everything, ehya! [5x]
Fuck everything! Fuck everything! [7x]

Suicide Silence - Human Violence

We are violence.
We are violence, at its finest.
Human violence at its finest.

We are the breed that grew with violence as a seed,
growing stronger with our roots destructive feeding power.
Growing older and living as a slave, now we're vengeful and war is what
we all crave.
And I know exactly what this is! More!
Human violence at its finest and I want more.
Human violence at its finest! More!
Human violence at its finest and I want more!

So this is what you do...
So take your precious time and pick your enemy,
then you take the time to put them down on their knees.
Now take a second look into their worthless eyes,
now pull the trigger back, click, surprise! Surprise!

We are the breed that grew with violence as a seed,
growing stronger with our roots destructive feeding power.
Growing older and living as a slave, now we're vengeful and war is what
we create.
And I know exactly what this is! More!
Human violence at its finest, and I want more.
Human violence at its finest! More!
Human violence at its finest and we want more!

Make sure you take the time... to put them down on their knees...
Make sure take the time and listen to them beg and plea
We are violence at its finest!

So take your precious time and pick your enemy,
then you take the time to put them down on their knees.
Now take a second look into their worthless eyes,
now pull the trigger back, click, surprise!
Now you are the victim of, MY! My two hands!
Now you are the victim of more violent circumstance.

We are violence.

Now put them down on their knees, don't listen to all their begs and
their pleas.
Put your finger on the trigger, now all you do is squeeze.
And peace the fuck out!
So put them down on their knees, don't listen to the begs and their pleas.
Put your finger on the trigger, now all you do is squeeze.

And now you're happy, as happy as can be, you're so very happy with
everything you see,
it all means nothing to me, human violence at its finest.
Fuck you I want more!

Suicide Silence - O.C.D

Like a kite my mind is soaring high.
through the sky every day and night.
And way up high I can still see just fine,
don't worry everything will be alright.
I know it's scary, but everything will be alright [2x]

I can't sleep, too many voices trying to talk to me.
I can't sleep, bloodshot eyes and I still feel fine.
I think I've lost my mind and I think I still feel fine.
I can't sleep, too many voices trying to talk to me.
I can't sleep, bloodshot eyes and I still feel fine.

Let's take it back to square one,
and figure out how all this bullshit began.
Is this the end of my reality?
I'll hold my breath till I can't breathe.
(just to get a feeling)

I feel I've fallen into self-defeat.
Is that the reason I'm losing sleep?
I've fallen into self-defeat. [2x]
I can't sleep too many voices trying to talk to me.
I can't sleep, bloodshot eyes and I still feel fine. [2x]

Here in my head, I can't tell who I'm talking to.
It seems I can't tell what's being said,
someone please tell me am I live or dead.

Like I said I know it's scary,
but everything will be alright.

Let's take it back to square one,
and figure out how all this bullshit began.
This is the end of my reality.
I'll hold my breath till I can't breathe.

Suicide Silence - Slaves To Subtance

You're all slaves.
So sit back bitch, what the fuck's it gonna be?
Are you listening to me?
It's your dependence robbing innocence,
is this really who you wanted to be?

Rock bottom is your wakeup call. [2x]
Oh my god you're pitiful, your dependence robbing innocence.
That makes you a slave to substance, eeah!
Slaves, you're fucking worthless.

You see that you've hit the bottom, you see everything is wrong.
You see that you've hit the bottom (slaves in shackles).
You see that you've hit the bottom, right now your mind is gone
You see that you've hit the bottom (slaves in shackles).

Slaves! To substance, eeah! That makes you a slave!
You're fucking worthless!
I'm gonna sit back with my shades on
watching you make all the same mistakes we all went through.
Everything that I've been through that I regret,
I'm watching you use now ever since we met. [3x]

It's your dependence robbing innocence,
is this really who you wanted to be?
Slaves in shackles! Never to be set free,
That makes you a slave! [2x] to substance, eeah!
That makes you a slave! You're fucking worthless!

(And now you see that you've hit the bottom,
and now you see everything is wrong.
And now you see that you've hit the bottom,
and now you see that your mind is gone.
And now you see that you've hit the bottom,
and now you see that everything is wrong.
And now you see that you've hit the bottom,
that's why I wrote this song!)

Jumat, 01 Februari 2013

Suicide Silence - You Only Live Once

Push your care, push your burdens aside
Erase everything inside and leave just one thing on your mind.

You only live once so just go fucking nuts!

Live life hard
Live life hard
You only get one shot
So shoot!

With every breath you take you’re dying
With every step we take we’re falling apart
If we only had one chance we'd breathe
Let’s take the chance right now and scream
You only live one life
For a very short time
So make every second divine


Live life hard
Live life hard

Are you still breathing?
It's your heart that’s beating inside
That keeps us alive
And for the very first time
We’re pushing aside to surrender
Everything that I see in my eyes
Except for the one thing on my mind
That I am alive
For the very first time!

For the first time
Pushing worry aside
For the first time
Pushing worry aside

Erase everything inside
Erase everything inside
Erase everything inside and leave just one thing

You only get one shot!

You only live once so just go fucking nuts
You only live once so just go fucking nuts
You only live once, go fucking nuts
You only live once so just go fucking nuts

Live life hard
Live life hard
Live life hard
Live life hard

Kamis, 31 Januari 2013

Thirteen - Jakarta Story

Tempat Ku lahir
Penuh Derita
Dan Cerita

Jakarta, Dan Rasakan Pedihnya Hidup Sendiri
Jakarta, Dan Rasakan Sakit ditinggal Sendiri, Terjatuh

Jakarta penuh dengan benci, penuh dengan deritanya
Jakarta Takan pernah Kembali seperti dulu

Sejauh ku melangkahkan kakiku
Terasa hampa dan kosong di jiwaku terjatuh.

Jakarta penuh dengan benci, penuh dengan deritanya
Jakarta Takan pernah Kembali